how we roll

Our team of equity practitioners is here to support you as we work together to create equity, belonging, and joy for each and every one of our students, staff, and families. Below, you will find our equity services and supports, our structure for building equity consciousness & socially conscious leadership, and our support request form.
service model
Learn more about the services and supports we offer
Students & families experience connectedness and belonging to their schools and the district through strategic, facilitated support, resulting in increased communication, connection to site-based & community resources, and access/opportunity for academic, social, emotional, and behavioral success.
Youth Mentorship Reintegration Program
Adult Champions
Restorative Discipline Policy implementation support
Identity-based parent & family liaison
​ -Monitoring
-Home Visits
-Phone Calls
-Check ins & Mentorship
-Student Placement
Sites which have selected equity topics (equity, belonging, connectedness, student engagement, etc.) as their area of focus for continuous improvement are supported by the Equity & Belonging division through the development of a site equity team which includes the growth of equity consciousness, capacity building, and action planning.
Intake process for sites who have selected equity as their area of focus for continuous improvement whereby we can determine root causes and develop an equity support package to address the acute needs of the sites
Engage sites in capacity building and equity conscious development through facilitated professional learning and action planning
Provide coaching, equity data analysis sessions, and office hours to participating sites
Open professional learning opportunities that exist for staff to increase their understanding of how equity, bias, and oppression impact the social, emotional, academic, and behavioral outcomes and overall success of students.
Use equity assessments & existing data collection structures for assessing the needs of sites. This data will inform a calendar of professional learning for the school year.
Deliver shared experiences and shared learning sessions focused on building equity consciousness.
Provide opportunities for participants to connect learning to site data and develop freedom dreaming and action plans aligned with new learning.
Connect participants with a network to support the work through connection, sharing of ideas, and support.
District and site staff are equipped to address issues of equity that arise within their ecosystems through access to a prepared compendium of resources designed to support our educational partners in engaging with equity topics, learning, actions, and mindsets.
Resources and support for educational partners will be informed by our community through identified needs whereby we will curate hubs of information, tools, resources, and curriculum to support and engage staff and administrators in asynchronous equity learning. ​
Monthly observances & holidays
Response kits for questions, resistance, and concerns around equity topics.
Reinstatement/Reintegration Plans
Frequently Asked Questions
Engaging Students in Critical Dialogue
Addressing the “N word” and other hate speech
LGBTQIA+ best practices
Understanding the Restorative Discipline Policy
What is Ethnic Studies vs. CRT
Holding a harm circle
Tips for administrators to increase family connectedness
Sites, departments, and leaders are supported on equity topics, receiving guidance on best practices, opportunities to shift practices and policies, co-create equity-driven assessments and structures that address the needs and data unique to each department/site.
Intake process for sites who have selected equity as their area of focus for continuous improvement whereby we can determine root causes and develop an equity support package to address the acute needs of the sites
Engage sites in capacity building and equity conscious development through facilitated professional learning and action planning
Provide coaching, equity data analysis sessions, and office hours to participating sites
Opportunities for shared experiences, community building, networking, and learning that center the identities and lived experiences of our students, staff, and families are developed and fostered.
Staff Affinity Groups
Identity-based events
Flag raising
Movie & TV Screenings
Student Leadership Conferences
College & career expos
GSA, BSUs, Chavistas, etc.
Field trips & experiences