raising equity consciousness
Each participating school site will select a team of 4-7 to attend our Equity professional learning. Preferred members of the team are the site principal to support the leadership of the Equity work at the school site, as well as at least two teachers to support the implementation of practices in the classroom, and school counselor; however, the team can consist of any staff member, both classified and certificated, to support Equity awareness and efforts throughout the school setting. Each school Equity Team will attend 8 professional learning sessions, held approximately once a month. The Equity & Belonging Division will support teams with monthly check-ins as well as administrative coaching.
Establish norms and practices for growing together, including the concept of adult development
Build team formation, deep listening, giving and receiving feedback and keeping external/internal equity at the center of our work
Co-construct ideal collective identity and the necessary actions for its achievement
Develop equity consciousness, including a deep understanding of all the ‘isms
Develop a strong team of equity-minded leaders
Build knowledge and practice of Improvement Science/Liberatory Design
Lead through re-designing a team to identify a system/structure/process rooted in inequity
Develop, practice, and refine a continuous improvement habit of mind
Develop, practice, and refine a culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy
In the first half of the series, we are primarily focused on providing participants with a personal learning experience that allows them to reflect on their personal role with equity leadership in their school systems. They will be led through activities while we model our own reflections and model how we facilitate discussions around challenging topics. Meanwhile, through multiple opportunities to participate in meaningful discussions with members of their school team, each team will develop an appreciation for how the experiences of each member can enhance the equity leadership work at their school and help scale up the equity efforts. In the second half of the series, we will be nudging teams to find ways to take action. This includes planning professional learning for their school staff using content from our sessions, and identifying student inequities in the school that need to be addressed. All sessions are outlined as intended below, however, it is important to note that due to the nature of this kind of learning, we consider it a priority to respond flexibly to the participants’ needs and make adjustments to the learning experiences in ways that best supports the desired progress for the group.
What is our collective and individual identity?
How are our identities connected/disconnected from the community we serve?
How might our personal identities emerge/diverge from our collective?
How is our knowledge and passion about issues of equity emerging in our multiple identities?
What is our mindset about our capacity? Our students’ capacities?
How might we design structures and processes to intentionally view issues of equity?
How might our classrooms encompass culturally sustaining pedagogy?
How are internal issues of equity being discussed?
How are we actively including our educational partners in the design and implementation of equity work?
How might our beliefs & practices reflect our values?
Equity, Purpose, Identity, Equity, Teaming, Implicit Bias, Micro-aggressions, Privilege, Systems of Oppression, Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Continuous Improvement, Liberatory Design, Socially Conscious Leadership, Critical Self Awareness, Values, Beliefs, Assumptions, Intersectionality, Restorative Justice, Ethnic Studies, Family & Student Engagement, Inclusion, Quality Learning Interactions

professional  learning  model
Each session will be customized to fit your needs; however, we strongly encourage a model that combines professional learning and team time in each session. Allowing participants to engage in learning and activities to reinforce content along with significant processing time both individually as well as within small and large teams has proven to be a highly effective model. Please see the sample session breakdown: